This page is designed to provide a central reference of web links to other relevant sites associated with the history of secret listeners. Please advise us of any web sites that you would like to see added to this resource.
- The Secret Listeners: The original Secret Listeners website which describes the history of the Radio Security Service and chronicles the annual reunions of RSS and SCU veterans from 2001 through 2014. Included are newsletters written by ex-RSS officer and Voluntary Interceptor Bob King, G3ASE (SK).
- BBC Programme, The Secret Listeners: In 1979 the BBC broadcast this video, which had been researched and written by Paul Cort-Wright, G3SEM. This video was the first publication to reveal to RSS and Voluntary Interceptor veterans, their families, and the general public what the Voluntary Interceptors had discovered during World War II. Total viewing time approximated 30 minutes.
- RSS and Box 25, Barnet: This site contains a concise history of the RSS and the Voluntary Interceptors prepared by ex-RSS officer and Voluntary Interceptor Bob King, G3ASE (SK).
- The teenage radio enthusiasts who helped win World War II: BBC article featuring the Voluntary Interceptors, dated 5 July 2013 commemorates the centenary of the Radio Society of Great Britain.
- Voluntary Interceptors: Website featuring the veteran Voluntary Interceptors of East Lothian and their service in World War II.
- The Paraset Guy: Website featuring the Paraset portable HF radio receiver and transmitter which had been manufactured in Whaddon, near Bletchley Park, and used in clandestine operations.
- The Secret Wireless War: This website describes and promotes the two-hours of documentary presentations produced by David and Debra Rixon of Grindelwald Productions in 2002, with significant attention to the Voluntary Interceptors and to other clandestine and secret uses of radio during the prosecution of the war effort.
- Camp X: Camp X was a secret training camp established in Canada for espionage and clandestine operatives during World War II.
- Radio Society of Great Britain:
- How the enigma machine worked:
11. A fascinating link to VI John Blair’s wartime logbook, GM5FT. Thanks to John, GM8CVN for making this information available, see the following link: